Arun District Council are calling for sites - 2 June to 7 July 2021

Arun District Council are calling for sites – 2 June to 7 July 2021. Contact Batcheller Monkhouse for expert advice.

Arun District Council is calling for sites. They are inviting landowners to submit sites that will be available for housing or commercial development over the next 15 years.

The sites will be reviewed as part of the council’s Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) update, which will be used to identify suitable development allocations for the next Local Plan. The call for sites exercise is open from 2 June to 7 July 2021.

Due to a significant housing shortfall in the district, the council has published an Interim Housing Statement which is encouraging applications for sites that have been positively assessed as part of the SHELAA. This means there is an opportunity for unallocated sites to come forward in the short term, provided that there is no recently adopted Neighbourhood Plan for the local area. Application sites must be adjacent to the settlement boundary; available for delivery in 2 years following the grant of planning permission; and have no significant planning, legal or ownership constraints.

If you would like to explore the development potential of your land, please contact our Pulborough Planning team on 01798 877555 or