Applying for Change of Use on existing agricultural buildings and yard area to a bespoke Class B2 (General Industrial) use. Batcheller Monkhouse Planning Team secured planning permission for circa 800sqm of bespoke B2 floorspace and 3,000sqm of associated external storage area in the Surrey Green Belt to provide premises for a fencing contractor operation.
The Green Belt location of the site meant that a detailed planning case to justify Green Belt development was required. Our Planning Team undertook extensive research over a number of months to support a sequential assessment demonstrating a lack of alternative sites for the business to relocate to. This formed part of the overall “Very Special Circumstances” case required to be made for such development if located within the Green Belt.
Despite a strong negative response from the Local Planning Authority at pre-application stage, our Planning Team worked with officers to address concerns about developing in the Green Belt and in relation to highway impacts. The application was ultimately approved under delegated powers with minimal planning conditions. For more information please contact Kirsty Castle MRTPI AIEMA on 01892 509280 or