A client instructed us prior to considering various options for generating an income from his extensive land parcels. The land was in the countryside, entirely comprising greenfield land but was close to an established settlement. We looked at 3 key options that he wished to consider:

  • Promotion of land for residential development
  • Use of land for a solar farm
  • Formation of a commercial fishery

We promoted the land for residential development through the Local Plan but as it did not immediately adjoin the settlement boundary we determined any potential housing development would be very long term. In the interim the client wanted to generate a more immediate income, particularly on the parcels furthest from the settlement. We determined that a solar farm would not be appropriate as the local area did not have sufficient grid capacity. A commercial fishery was however, determined to be appropriate in the location, particularly in light of the substantial existing lakes and general need for an upgraded surface water drainage system that would only be financially viable if it formed part of a wider business case. There was good access to the site, a clear local demand and a good chance of planning success. We therefore recommended that the applicant proceeded on this basis and provided recommendations for obtaining specialist advice from a fishery consultant prior to entering into pre-application discussions with the Council. The client has commissioned the fishery specialist and we look forward to progressing the application shortly.