
Front of Southlands Farm
Batcheller Monkhouse was instructed to prepare a planning application for the change of use of and extension to a listed barn to form a wedding venue. Southlands Barn Wedding Venue
- Southlands Farm is a former dairy farm now focussing on arable and beef farming.
- The sustained down-turn in the dairy industry led our clients needing to diversify to support the remaining farming operations.
- The listed barn was considered to be a suitable candidate for conversion into an alternative use.
- Planning and listed building consent was sought to convert and extend the building to enable it to be used as a wedding venue during April through to October.
- Consent was granted but with was subject to certain restrictive conditions which imposed an unreasonable restriction on the events that could be hosted each month. Batcheller Monkhouse subsequently won an appeal to remove the condition enabling limitless weddings to be hosted, and to relax other conditions which imposed onerous requirements on our clients.
Planning and listed building consent granted and a subsequent appeal against restrictive conditions won.