Conversion of Garage to Holiday Let in Ashdown Forest
Our client was informed by the council that retrospective planning permission was required for a holiday let operated from a converted annexe at their home. The location is within the scenic High Weald National Landscape (formerly known as the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). It is also within the 7km buffer for the Ashdown Forest Special Protection Area (SPA).
Our Tunbridge Wells Chartered Town Planners promptly submitted an application to regularise the use. They also entered into negotiations with the Council regarding liability on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Through these discussions, we successfully demonstrated that the property was not subject to CIL charges due to an existing lawful use.
Given the property’s proximity to the SPA, contributions were required for the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy (SAMMS) and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANGS). Our Town Planners provided expert advice on the necessary legal agreements to ensure full compliance. They guided the client through every step of the process. This resulted in securing a retrospective consent, allowing the applicant to maintain their thriving business. A further application has since been made for a neighbouring property for a similar proposal. The same successful outcome is anticipated.