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Contact your local officeUnderstanding your farm’s carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is crucial. It provides a valuable benchmark across your farming operations, enabling informed land use management and environmental planning. A more efficient farm is inherently more profitable.
Carbon auditing seeks to measure the GHG emissions produced by your enterprise and the amount sequestered into the land. Upon completion, the audit will help you:
A carbon audit typically begins with a farm inspection to assess land type and usage. For instance, an arable farm sequesters and produces carbon differently than a livestock farm. Following the inspection, a series of farm carbon calculator tools are used to identify emission sources, carbon sequestration areas, and suggests improvements.
The agricultural sector contributes 11% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions*. With increasing scrutiny on farm emissions, understanding what your farm produces and stores has never been more critical.
Carbon units can also be created by the establishment of new woodland. There are currently grants available to help cover the cost of new woodland establishment, as well as other woodland creation based incentives. The carbon sequestered by the new woodland can then be sold on different national markets.
West Sussex – Chris Tipping, Partner at
Surrey and Hampshire – Alex Wilks, Partner at
East Sussex and Kent – Toby Trotman , Associate at
Offices in Battle, Haywards Heath, Pulborough and Tunbridge Wells.