
John Gaunt Winner 2021 Ploughing Match Photographic Competition

The Batcheller Monkhouse 2021 Ploughing Match photographic competition has been won this year by John Gaunt.  We received a tremendous variety of beautiful images taken by visitors to the Weald of Kent Ploughing Match and Laughton Ploughing Match.

Taking place at the end of the summer, a day spent at a ploughing match is great fun for all the family, make a note to keep an eye out for the 2022 dates.
Come and see horses ploughing, tractors large and small, old and new and everything in-between carrying out the art of ploughing.  Often there is a domestic section to enter with fun classes, including home baking, preserves, needlework and art geared to a wide cross section of age groups, as well as a dog show and sometime equestrian competition.

Batcheller Monkhouse has been a keen supporter of these rural events for many years and although farming practices are moving away from ploughing on a large scale, it is especially important to retain the skill and art of the traditional ploughing method at the ploughing match.