Planning at a more strategic level seeks to secure formal allocation of land for development in either Local Plans or Neighbourhood Plans rather than applying for speculative applications.

Strategic promotion of land offers a longer-term option for sites that may not offer any immediate development potential as a windfall (unplanned for) site but could be considered suitable in the future as part of a Local Planning Authority’s housing delivery strategy. Every Local Authority must demonstrate a rolling 5-year supply of housing to meet their identified needs and allocating sites through strategic planning is an integral part of this process. Our planning and development team are well versed in promoting land through the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan process and can advise on whether your land has potential for allocation now or in the future and the best strategy for trying to secure that.

Local Plan Representation

Strategic Land Promotion is best undertaken through the Local Plan. The Local Plan states where land will be developed, what for and in what quantity. The Local Plan is produced by the Local Planning Authority and contains all the policies the authority uses to guide their development decisions.

Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood Planning aims to empower local communities and increase local engagement in the planning process. Neighbourhood Planning was introduced as part of the Localism Act 2011 which devolved more power from government to local authorities.

Please contact a member of our excellent planning team today to discuss how we can help you.

Offices in BattleHaywards HeathPulborough and Tunbridge Wells.