In April 2024, our Tunbridge Wells Planning Team secured a resolution to grant planning permission for a residential scheme in Sittingbourne, Kent.

The scheme will provide 27 residential flats across three blocks of flats and will incorporate communal amenity space as well as enhancement of existing habitat on site to provide BNG. The existing access will be upgraded to provide improvements to visibility. In order to achieve this, four 19th century terraced houses which were classed by the Council as a non-designated heritage assets, require demolition.

Residential Planning Permission in Sittingbourne

The scheme was submitted to the Council in August 2023 and originally proposed a total of 29 flats. Extensive negotiations were undertaken with the Planning Officer to address concerns of statutory consultees and also local Ward Members who had called in the application to the planning committee. Concerns raised included potential increased parking pressures on an adjacent road, the appropriateness of the proposed design and arrangements for the demolition of the existing terraced houses which are currently occupied. Working closely with the Planning Officer, we were able to provide additional information and amendments to the scheme to address these issues without reducing the scale for the development or impacting viability of the scheme.

Residential Planning Permission in Sittingbourne

Following original deferral for a site visit in February 2024, Swale Borough Council planning committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to Section 106 in April 2024. The site visit provided an opportunity for direct communication with Committee Members which allowed us to understand their concerns and explain the merits of the scheme in more detail and to answer any questions they had fully. Whilst direct engagement can be a daunting prospect, particularly when development proposals are the subject of significant objection, in this case we were glad to have had the opportunity to meet with Committee and Ward Members and local residents to discuss our proposal and the feedback received in all areas. This helped to further refine the scheme, such that Members ultimately voted to approve. The application process was undoubtedly expedited by the Planning Officer who went far beyond normal levels of engagement with both us as agents and local Members and demonstrated how a collaborative approach can help the planning process immeasurably.

If you have any questions, please email Christine Dadswell at or telephone your local office.

Offices in BattleHaywards HeathPulborough and Tunbridge Wells.