An Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC) is a planning condition which ties the occupancy of a house to a person who works solely, mainly or worked last in agriculture or in forestry. Restricting occupancy of a dwelling in this way allows for the property to remain available for the agricultural market. In doing so the property would be considered as an exception to planning policy which generally looks to prevent new dwellings in the Countryside.

Can the condition be removed?

Agricultural Occupancy Condition

In some circumstances yes an AOC can be removed.  To be able to determine if there is any scope to do this, here are some questions you will need to think about:

  • Have you lived in the property in breach of the AOC?
  • If yes, how long have you lived in breach of the condition?
  • Can you provide information as to how you have used the property and any land associated with it?
  • Have you ever marketed your property?
  • Have you checked whether the property is subject to a legal agreement that restricts its use?
  • Have you thought about how to use any agricultural land associated with your property?
  • Have you got any planning history relating to your house or land?

Whether your answer is “YES” or “NO” to any of these questions, we can help you understand how the process works and advise you on how best to proceed either in establishing the use of your property in breach of condition or removing the condition completely.